3 Reasons Why Your School Needs a Technology Upgrade

posted on September 28, 2020

Way back in 2013, when we first started Schoolpad, school management softwares had already gained a footing but the management itself was very much rooted within the school’s physical
infrastructure. An integrated cloud-based solution to help teachers manage their work in a centralized way from anywhere and anytime and keep parents updated about the progress of their
child was still relatively new. Perhaps because the solutions that existed were either not very effective or came at a prohibitive cost.

Cut to 2020, and things have changed drastically across the entire country. For the first time, the country’s school system as a whole (including the more remote and non-urban parts) was forced to consider and explore centralized cloud-based solutions and specialized technology that could allow them to continue with their teaching and administrative functions even during the lockdown. The pandemic accelerated a shift towards a more technology-based approach in the education sector which was long due. However, the shift has been too abrupt and has thrown up unprecedented challenges for the teachers as wells as the school management.

Most of the stakeholders in the education sector including the teachers, the students, the parents, and the management, are grappling to adapt and adjust. The loopholes in our existing approach towards technology and related infrastructure have become glaring and obvious. We have been making a case for technology upgrades in school systems for a long time now, but COVID-19 has made it urgent and immediate in ways few of us could have anticipated. And while there is little doubt as to why we need this shift in perspective and focus on capacity-building, below are a few reasons why your schools absolutely need (and deserve) a technology upgrade.

Ease and Efficiency  As we had discussed in the previous post, when the lockdown began, most schools shifted to online teaching via easily available tools like Whatsapp. It was easy and convenient. Most importantly, the teachers and the staff were already familiar with them and no special training was required. As a temporary solution, it was a good option. However, none of the instant messaging apps and other communication tools are designed for the specific purposes of teaching and learning. Because teaching isn’t confined to conducting classes which may be done through any of the available tools. Teaching online is a specialized function with several ancillary requirements like sending and managing assignments, evaluating homework, giving feedback, keeping records, and tracking the class progress. None of the general communications tools or apps cater to these requirements.
Schools need to upgrade the technology to specialized virtual platforms, software, and ERP systems, to access functionalities specifically designed for them. For example, managing online assessments remains a pain point especially with respect to how the assessments must be conducted and communicated to the parents. Specialized tools come with precise features that support a better system of online assessments that are otherwise not available in other tools. With specific functionalities comes an ease of use and access that makes the whole experience that much better for both the students and the teachers. Whatsapp may seem convenient, but after a point of time, managing records on any of these instant messaging apps is next to impossible. What is needed are tools that are designed to cater to that specific need. We need tools that support interactive teaching aids, help manage assignments, stay organized, maintain records, and allow the teachers to augment their efforts and deliver a learning experience that is best suited to deliver optimal results and learning outcomes.

Organized, Systematic, and Accountable Ever since the classes have shifted online, there has been an increased demand from the parents for more accountability about how the classes are conducted and everything that is taught to the kids. As a country that has been conditioned to treat learning as a fundamentally offline activity, this scepticism from the parents when it comes to online classes is not entirely unexpected. The solution to this dilemma lies in better organization, tracking, reporting, and accountability systems that allow the teachers to not only keep track of what is being taught and the assignments being sent to the students, but also prepare detailed progress report quickly and easily, as and when required. Specialized online education platforms, softwares, and ERP systems designed for schools cater to this requirement and provide for in-built features that allow the teachers to do all this and more,
easily and efficiently. Schools need to invest in tools that not only enhance their accountability in this changing environment but also help them optimize their overall performance in terms of quality of teaching and learning.

Long Term Solution Any of the non-specialized tools that are currently being used for teaching and/or school management purposes are temporary and will create problems in the future. A technology upgrade right now is the kind of investment that will pay off for the school management in the long term. Specialized tools and softwares are designed to not just identify but also predict the problems and issues that may arise in a virtual teaching environment. They are intuitive and address issues that may hamper online teaching-learning experience. They also allow for better communication between all stakeholders including parents and help schools maintain transparency and a sense of accountability. The cost for these tools is no longer prohibitive and is in fact an investment that is bound to bring down the costs for the school management in the long run.

Even in a post-pandemic era, there is a possibility that we as an education system will move at least partially into a virtual model and it makes sense for the schools to not just be prepared but excel when it comes to technology-based solutions. Investment in technology and related training now will allow schools to cut costs in the future and make a decisive move into the era of digital learning which is bound to be cheaper, better, and far more efficient.

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