The Only Secret You Need To Know To Ensure An Exceptional Parent Experience In Your School

posted on April 8, 2022

Student-Parent-Teacher is an equilateral triangle, the three interconnected wheels that form the foundation of a healthy learning journey. For optimum learning outcomes, it is critical that these three wheels are in sync with each other and on the same page. Parental experience in a school is therefore essential not just because it has a direct impact on a school’s reputation in the industry but also because it directly influences how a child’s learning takes shape.

Schools and school managements understand this fact, and it is no wonder that one of the most frequently asked questions that we get at Schoolpad is about improving parents’ experience in the school. The schools are eager to understand how they can ensure that the parents are happy with the school, are involved and engaged with the child’s progress, and most importantly, how can they turn an average parent into an evangelist for their schools.

Also Read: How Can Schools Keep Parents Effectively Aligned, Informed, and Educated

The Deep Dive

While the question seems simple enough, our team at Schoolpad decided to look beyond the theoretical answers and dig deep at the ground level. We have been in touch with several parents who had been exceptionally happy with their children’s schools and were willing to share their experiences with us. Fortunately for us, these schools were also our clients which allowed us to get a better insight into the parents’ experience and understand various aspects. One parent, in particular, was extremely forthcoming and shared with us their conversations with other parents as well as the chats on their Whatsapp groups which revealed some really interesting facts.

The Answers

We gathered from these conversations that all the parents were fairly happy about their child’s progress and were appreciative of the initiatives taken by the school. But this was a surface-level understanding. We wanted to understand what made this school special? What was it specifically that led to this happy outcome? Was it something to do with the teaching practices? Was it Infrastructure? Or Teachers?

We tried to objectively evaluate the parameters by giving parents all the possible options basis which we could evaluate the school. The parents were enthusiastic to share their feedback and let us know that what worked for them the most was the ease with which they were able to reach out to the staff members in the school with their doubts, queries, and feedback. More specifically, they were happy that their communication was always duly acknowledged, and the school was always willing to listen to them and address their concerns.

Decoding The Secret

Our conversations with the parents led us to the conclusion that the big idea, or the secret if you will, was hidden in an efficient channel of communication that allows parents to reach out to the concerned staff members of the school whenever they have a query or some vital feedback to share. This open and accessible channel of communication coupled with a rigorous process to ensure that all queries and concerns are addressed within a specific duration is the key to building an exceptional experience for the parents. When parents feel themselves to be a part of the school, they get more involved and become equal partners with the school and the teachers in this journey of their child’s growth. In our experience, once a school achieves this level of parental involvement and engagement experience, they become effortless evangelists who help you create an exceptional school brand. Ultimately, the path that leads to an excellent learning institution and an infallible school reputation is through easy accessibility and great communication.

Want to learn more about how great schools build their brand? Want to understand how Schoolpad can help you give a boost to your school’s growth? please write to us at . You can also click on the request a demo link and one of our coaches will get in touch with you.

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